Scott Morrow
Regular bagger and occasional cragger. For some odd reason I'm in charge.

Helena Gronski and Freya Mitchell
Vice Presidents
Here to promote fun times, arrange excellent ceilidhs and plan events throughout the year.

Helen Futty
Generally organised person. Loves lists and sending emails

Ben Scott
I treasure the club and want to buy more crampons.

Katie Pasteur
Meets Secretary
A friendly face in the pub who you can come to for meet sign-ups or ask any questions

Huw Hodson
Safety Secretary
Serving both safety and looks in the hills
Theo Clarke
Gear Secretary
I look after all the club equipment. My qualifications are: has a cupboard. Get in touch on WhatsApp or Facebook messenger if you want to borrow anything!

David Nugent
Alps, Bus, and Environmental Secretary
I drive the buses! Sometimes you'll catch me up a munro

Ella Blundell
IT/Journal and Welfare Secretary
Here to help, so please don't be afraid to reach out, but also here to create pretty posts, pictures and stories of the clubs shenanigans.

Geoff Cooper
Hut Custodian
Looks after the Clashgour Hut. Contact me if you would like to book it.
Phone: 07729362110

Filip Krygel Mikulec
Hut Custodian
Also looks after Clashgour Hut.

Niall Bayne
Competitions and Training
Responsible for comps training and our annual trip to Sheffield to compete in BUCs

Albert Zhao
Membership Secretary
I keep in touch with Mountaineering Scotland reps and is available for general enquiries about meets or the club. Always keen for a chill hill walk or a climb!

Fraser Mckechnie
Climbing Secretary
Often found reading J. S. Watson or under a hangboard. If something is GUMC and climbing related, chances are I'm partly responsible for it!
Martin Gubala
Climbing Secretary
The other climbing sec

Oscar Stewart-Sandeman
Honorary Office Holder
Punter. Half of the committee advisory position=half the necessary wisdom

Albert Leaf
Honorary Office Holder
Amateur climber, professional shit talker