2023 Committee
Patrícia Gruhala
A hungry Hungarian ensuring the psyche - find me with a Belvita in hand and braided strands.
Theo Frater
Vice President
I organise the socials and do what Triss says! Feel free to get in touch with any suggestions or concerns.
Izzy Anderson
In charge of booking luxurious accommodation for the club, and general behind the scenes paperwork. Always keen for a swim, a pint and (sometimes) a climb!
Ciara Losel
The one in charge of the £££
Scott Morrow
Meets Secretary
Talk to me to get on meets. GUMC's happiest member
Cammy Craig
Safety Secretary
Hi! I'm cammy (they/them) - find me in the hall eating way too much pasta
Morgan Francis
Gear Secretary
The Unsafety Sec™. I have a cupboard. I may find the gear in said cupboard if asked nicely.
Helen Futty
Alps, Bus, and Environmental Secretary
Will love you forever if you drive the buses. Also ecstatic to hear about your environmental grand plans and places you want to pitch for the Alps trip!
James Macintosh
IT/Journal and Welfare Secretary
I just wanted to make the book
Geoff Cooper
Hut Custodian
Looks after the Clashgour Hut. Contact me if you would like to book it.
Filip Krygel Mikulec
Hut Custodian
Also looks after Clashgour Hut.
Emma Davidson
Competitions and Training
Responsible for comps training and our annual trip to Sheffield to compete in BUCs
Fraser Henderson
Membership Secretary
I’m always happy to say hi! Even if I look busy…. I’m probably not
Cammy Wood
Climbing Secretary
Come climbing, it's fun and the people are alright.
Niall Bayne
Climbing Secretary
The other climbing sec
Oscar Stewart-Sandeman
Honorary Office Holder
Punter. Half of the committee advisory position=half the necessary wisdom
Albert Leaf
Honorary Office Holder
Amateur climber, professional shit talker